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Residential Cleaning

You came to the perfect company for home cleaning services!

Sit back and relax while Tidy Ninjas makes your home sparkle!

Tidy Ninjas’ rental property cleaning services can handle cleaning jobs large and small. Whether you have a one-bedroom apartment or a 5-bedroom home, we can help you with your property cleaning needs. We clean houses, condos, town homes, multi-family homes and apartments.

When you become a recurring Tidy Ninjas customer you will enjoy a gift card for every 5th consecutive cleaning completed as well as referral perks for referring your friends and family to Tidy Ninjas!

Cleaning Service Areas

Our headquarters is located in Davenport, IA. We offer rental property cleaning services to areas in the midwest. 

Current Service Areas:

We have a 200% happiness guarantee to ensure we provide great rental property cleaning services.

Tidy Ninjas uses a 7-Step Process when hiring our cleaning team!

We know an important part of choosing rental property cleaning services is trusting the professional house cleaner that visits your property. That’s why we put our house cleaners through a 7-Step Screening Process to ensure you receive the most quality and professional cleaning services in the industry!


Written Application

We take our rental property cleaners through a written application process.


Phone Interview

The second step is to conduct a phone interview.


In-person interview

Our third step is an in-person interview.


Background check

Our fourth step is the professional background check. Once that has been completed and confirmed clear. We welcome the cleaning professional and begin the onboarding process.


Orientation Session

The rental property cleaner must complete an initial orientation session with our operations staff. A test might also be given to confirm skills and requirements are up to our standards. 


Match cleaning professional

We match our cleaning professional with our customers based upon experience. Some of our professionals are more experienced in home cleaning, some are more experienced with office or commercial cleaning. We like to match them based on experience to ensure you are getting the best service possible for your particular space. 


60 Day field orientation

The professional begins cleaning with Tidy Ninjas and is monitored through our initial 60 day field orientation. The field orientation includes extra touch points during the day with Tidy Ninjas office staff and check-ins with clients and customers. 

What is included in a Standard Rental Property Cleaning service?

Below is a list of what we include with our regular cleaning service.

Dusting the Corners

Your cleaning team will remove dust from the corners.

Stove Top & Stove Fan

We will scrub the stove grates, drip pans, and surfaces with our specialized sponges made just for cleaning stove surfaces.

Appliance Cleaning

We will clean the outside of refrigerators, ovens, dishwashers, and more. If you wish to have the inside of these cleaned this can be added. For a Flat Rate Recurring Customer booking, this is an extra $25.00 per appliance.  For an Hourly Service, please include that you would like this done in the comments section.

Empty Trash Cans 

If we know where your trash can bags are and where your trash cans are, we will empty your trash cans and replace with new bags.


After vacuuming we will mop the floors in high traffic hallways, kitchens and laundry rooms.

Ceiling Fans

We’ll use our handy dusting wands to dust your ceiling fans, too!


We will wipe out your microwave and glass plate to a shine!

Kitchen & Laundry Sinks

We will scrub the sinks and place any dishes from the sink in the dishwasher.

Laundry Area

We will dust the laundry room and wipe the outside of the washer and dryer.

Kitchen Cabinets

Our standard cleaning includes wiping the outside of your kitchen cabinets with a wet cloth, removing grime and dust. If you wish to have the inside of your cabinets cleaned you can add this for $25.00. For an hourly service, please include that you would like this done in the comments section. 

Counter Tops

We wipe and clean your counter tops including marble and stone surfaces. Please note: we will not be able to apply any marble or stone sealant or protectant.

Stainless Steel Surfaces

We will polish all stainless steel surfaces and appliances.

Floors & Rugs

We will use our cleaning equipment to vacuum kitchen and laundry floors (including tile) and rugs.

Ceiling Fans Detail Cleaning

We deep clean ceiling fans and remove all dust (as needed).

Make Beds and Change Bed Linens (when left on top of bed)

Leave the bed linens on top of each bed and we’ll change them.

Dust Furniture in Bathrooms

We wipe any dust, marks or spots off furniture in the bathroom.

Cobweb Removal

One of our specialized teams will remove cobwebs from corners, ceilings, and behind furniture.

Vacuum All Carpet, Small Rugs, & Stairs

We use special floor attachments for floors and rugs.

Empty Trash in All Bedrooms, Living, & Office Spaces

We’ll take trash to the garbage or dumpster (if possible) once our cleaning service is completed.

Counter Tops

We use safe green products to clean appliances and marble and stone surfaces.

Mop Bathroom Floors 

We’ll mop floors leaving a fresh scent (no chemical cocktails).

Cobweb Removal 

All cobwebs will be removed from corners.

Dust / Wipe Doors 

You can inform us if you need us to wipe down doors and we’ll take care of it.

Wipe Bathroom Cabinets (Outside) 

We wipe cabinets’ surfaces.

Empty Trash Cans 

We will always empty the trash and put in new bags if that trash is full. Please let us know where you keep the new bags or leave a couple on the kitchen counter for us to use.

Scrub & Clean Tubs 

We scrub and clean tubs and wipe adornments and surfaces.

Mirrors & Shine Chrome 

All mirrors in the bathroom and tub spaces will be cleaned. Get ready for a fresh new look at that beautiful face of yours!

Scrub & Clean Showers 

We scrub and clean shower walls, doors, and floors.

Scrub & Clean Sinks 

We use non-scratch tools and products for your fixtures.

Vacuum Bathroom Floors and Rugs 

We take special care when vacuuming bathrooms and rugs.

Furniture in Bathrooms 

We wipe any dust, marks or spots (as needed).

Scrub & Clean Toliets 

We scrub and clean toilets and make sure the base is fully wiped.

Additional rental property & apartment cleaning services

Flat Rate Standard Cleaning: you can add these services below at an additional cost

Hourly Cleaning: you can add these services below with additional time

Fridge Cleaning

Oven Cleaning

Clean Windows (Inside)

Vacuum & Clean Cabinets & Drawers (Inside)

Dust Blinds

Clean Baseboards


Pet Hair 

We go over flat surfaces, floors, and carpets multiple times to ensure pet hair is cleaned up. This does not include removing pet hair from upholstery or furniture. 

Tidy Ninjas can always help you estimate the correct time to allot to your cleaning.

What is included in a Move In/Out Cleaning service?

We are no stranger to cleaning vacant properties for our clients who are either moving into or out of their home. We know a thorough cleaning of your vacant space is very important. We include all of the above Standard Cleaning items plus the items below:

Fridge Cleaning (Interior and Exterior)

We even wipe down the sides of the refrigerators if the appliances are pulled out and the sides exposed for the cleaner to get to. 

Vacuum & Clean Cabinets & Drawers (Inside)

Oven Cleaning (Interior & Exterior)

Clean Window Panes (Interior only)

Dust Blinds & Ceiling Fans

Clean Baseboards


What is included in a Deep Cleaning service?

A Deep Cleaning service is something we like to discuss with our clients individually. At Tidy Ninjas, we like to have a list of items that the client would like to have done to the space. A move in/out cleaning service is very similar to a deep cleaning service if the client doesn’t have any specific notes or a cleaning list.


Please note: that we do not clean or enter any areas that would be considered to be over cluttered or expose our team members to any hazardous fumes or human or pet waste inside of the property.

Things Tidy Ninjas Can't Clean In Your Home

If you see a service below that we cannot offer, we would love to refer you to a local business that provides these home cleaning services, just ask and we will connect you! 

High up Places 

Safety is incredibly important to us. Because of this, we require our teams to keep both feet on the ground at all times. Some cleaners might opt to bring a step stool but we leave that up to the cleaners preference to do so if needed.

Biological Waste 

We aren’t equipped to clean any chemical or biological waste. Let us know if you have any of these challenges and we’ll be happy to refer you to someone who can help with these messes.

Unloading the Dishwasher 

We’re always happy to clean dishes and load the dishwasher. However, we’re not able to unload the dishwasher. This is because when unloading a dishwasher, we’re more likely to break dishes and your cleaner might not know where all of your dishes go. 

Outside or very high-up windows 

Our team members only clean interior windows that are a maximum of 8 ft high. Some of our cleaners might be equipped with longer extension poles -if you have a higher than normal window please contact Tidy Ninjas staff to discuss

Odor removal and remediation 

Tidy Ninjas is not a construction or remediation company. We will not clean a home that has had water, fire/smoke, or mold damage or needs odor removal services. 

Detailed carpet and floor cleaning 

If your space needs steam cleaning or floor waxing or polishing is required we will not be able to perform these services.

Cleaning Dishwashers & Washing Machines 

A dishwasher can be very time consuming to clean - up to 4 hours and most of that time is waiting which doesn't make it economical for you or us.

Bed Bug and Other Insect 

Tidy Ninjas will not be able to clean a home that is infected with bed bugs or other pests. Once the home and carpets have been treated professionally, we can continue service. 

Pet Hair on Upholstery and Furniture 

Tidy Ninjas will provide a Pet Hair extra or added  time to an hourly cleaning to thoroughly go over flat and carpeted surfaces to ensure all pet hair is removed. This service does not include pet hair removal on any type of furniture or upholstery. 


Tidy Ninjas can work in homes and spaces that have pets, but we ask that the pet is locked away or kept in another room while the cleaner does their work. If we encounter a pet that is aggressive, we will contact the owner and let them know we will not be able to enter the premise. 


We do not clean or service outdoor spaces such as patios, decks, or yards. 

Light Bulbs & lighting fixtures 

We won’t wipe down or wet wipe light bulbs. 


Our team members do not carry or use ladders of any kind. Our cleaners are equipped with a small step stool that they may sometimes use when dusting corners or ceiling fans if needed. 

Heavy Objects  

We don't ask our cleaning professionals to lift more than 25 lbs. If you would like us to clean behind appliances or furniture, please pull those out from the wall so we can reach them.

How much do our rental property cleaning services cost?

First-time cleaning

First-time customers with Tidy Ninjas are always priced by the hour. We find this is the easiest way to price a first visit to your space. 


Once we get to know your space and have cleaned it before, you can become eligible to choose either a flat rate recurring customer pricing or keep your bookings based on hourly pricing.

Recurring Cleaning

Our regular customers can choose between a flat rate (based on the number of bedrooms in your space) or pay for their cleaning by the hour. 

Move In / Out Cleaning

Move In/Out cleanings are always priced by the hour. 

Deep cleaning

Deep cleanings are also always priced by the hour. 

We're here to help you book your cleaning!

If you are having trouble estimating the correct duration of your hourly cleaning, email one of the Tidy Ninjas team members at support@tidyninjas.com or call 720-934-2215.

Also, since we check-in with our clients the day of the cleaning – you can add extra time to the cleaning the day of or even during the cleaning if it looks like you will need to add an extra hour or two in order to get all of your items checked off your list.

Not quite ready to book your cleaning?

If you’re not quite ready to book your cleaning, give us a call and we can email you a link to a quote for your space based on information gathered from you and your cleaning needs.

You can then keep the quote in your email and access the link that will take you to the booking page and live calendar to complete your Tidy Ninjas booking when you’re ready.

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